My .spectrwm
$ cat $HOME/spectrwm.conf
autorun = ws[1]:chrome --enable-unveil
autorun = ws[1]:lxterm
autorun = ws[1]:lxterm
bar_border = rgb:25/25/25
bar_border_width = 1
bar_color = rgb:15/17/18
bar_font = terminus-9
bar_font_color = rgb:d6/d6/d6
bar_format = [+M]+S+<%a %b %d %l:%M %p+<+A+<+L+<+W
border_width = 1
color_focus = rgb:32/32/32
color_unfocus = rgb:25/25/25
maximize_hide_bar = 1
name = ws[1]:Work
name = ws[2]:Work
name = ws[3]:Work
name = ws[4]:SSH
name = ws[5]:Work
name = ws[6]:Work
name = ws[7]:Update
name = ws[8]:Multimedia
name = ws[9]:Browser
name = ws[10]:Chat
(I recommend replacing spaces with tabs if you're going to copy&paste)
# pkg_add chromium
# pkg_add terminus-font
You'll need
xset +fp /usr/local/share/fonts/terminus
in $HOME/.xinit
(late xterm) is $HOME/bin/lxterm
sleep 2
in order to launch chromium(1)
in the master area.